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Sound of Sustainable Power Systems

Max Blatter, graduate electrical engineer

Note Line

A quirky music project
from a quirky non-musician

This is a project which I intend to realize in cooperation between me, as an expert of power systems, and a still to be found professional musician.

If you are hungry for more information, feel free to help yourself to the "information buffet" !

And if you can imagine to participate in the project, please use the completely non-committal reply form below ! Or just send an email.

Reply form

→ Reply form, PDF

Information buffet

As the project progresses, I shall present the collected ideas and inspirations here at the information buffet.

Grid Hum and Grid Frequency

→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 6m59s

Grid Levels

→ Score, PDF, 3 pages
→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 3m48s

Audio-Frequency Ripple Control

→ Score, PDF, 1 page
→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 3m05s

Frequency Converter

→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 4m18s

Rotating Magnetic Field

→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 6m55s

Commutator Machine

→ Video, including explanation, MP4, 4m56s

Information buffet (cont'd)